Peter Bergen of CNN receives Alinsky Smear Award

The Freedom Leadership Conference (FLC) has given its “Saul Alinsky Smear of the Month Award” for April to Peter Bergen of CNN for suggesting immediately after the Boston Marathon bombings that the act was possibly the work of “right wing extremists”  (see 1 page news release HERE).

The award was announced by David Denholm at the Conference’s April meeting in Fairfax, Virginia.  Denholm, one of the conservative movement’s leading experts on Saul Alinsky and the “Rules for Radicals,” took note of Alinsky’s Eighth Rule for Power Tactics, “Keep the pressure on with different tactics and actions, and utilize all events of the period for your purposes.”

The Freedom Leadership Conference contends that for Bergen to use the Boston Marathon bombing tragedy to further the liberal media’s crusade against conservatives is a perfect example of the use of Alinsky tactics and is deserving of the Alinsky Smear of the Month Award.  Bergen has been sent a colorful certificate commemorating his achievement.

Denholm, Public Service Research Foundation President, has spoken at nearly every conference since it went monthly in late 2012, on “Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals” and announced the first award at a previous conference for Piers Morgan after his rude treatment of his guest, Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America, set to speak at the May 15 FLC.

Each monthly meeting of the Freedom Leadership Conference (FLC) is sponsored by a different conservative group.  The April meeting was sponsored by Secure America Alliance, with attorney Gilbert K. Davis speaking on “The Obama War Against Seniors.”

Davis is very popular among conservatives after his work for Paula Jones, and his 9-0 victory at the Supreme Court, an indictment (impeachment) against the sitting President, and the disbarment of Bill Clinton as an attorney by the Arkansas Bar Association.

Davis’ remarks at the conference were entitled, “The Obama War on Seniors: A comprehensive but short review of how Seniors face a world of pain because of the Presidency of Barack Obama.”

The full text of Gilbert K. Davis’ remarks (and past speakers) is HERE  Obama, By Attorney Gilbert K. Davis, Fairfax, VA.

The Wednesday, May 15 Conference will be sponsored by Gun Owners of America with Executive Director Larry Pratt as speaker.  Pratt will be given the “Alinsky” award certificate earned by Piers Morgan to give him next time he is a guest on his CNN show.

FLC is in its 14th year, starting as an annual event on the west coast before moving east and becoming a monthly event.

Nominations and comments about the “Saul Alinsky Leftist Smear of the Month” award may be made by email to  David Denholm will usually announce the award winner at each monthly function.

For information on how to become a Provisional Member of the Freedom Leadership Conference in order to be invited to monthly meetings write

Each monthly meeting begins with a coffee and dessert reception at 7 PM, and is preceded by a 5 PM dinner meeting of the Conference leadership with the keynote speaker.

Only members and those whose application for Provisional Membership has been approved are invited to attend the meetings (and given the location).   There are no dues or attendance requirements for either Provisional Members or Members but there is a strict requirement for participants to have been a “volunteer conservative” in some way (with their time or donations) to be approved.

There are two open dates for the balance of 2013 for conservative cause sponsors and inquires are welcome at

5/15/13 Gun Owners of America (Keynote: Larry Pratt) (venue confirmed)

6/12/13 & U.S. Intelligence Council (John Guandolo)(venue confirmed)

7/17/13 American Border Control (Topic: Illegal Immigration)(venue confirmed)

8/21/13 Available (venue confirmed)

9/11/13 U.S. Intelligence Council (China CyberThreat & Movie, Free China: The Courage to Believe)

10/17/13 Thomas Jefferson Institute (Keynote: Michael Thompson)(venue confirmed)

11/12/13 Uniformed Services League (Topic: Save our Servicemen Rally)(venue reserved)

12/5/13 Available (sponsor, exact date & venue to be selected)

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