
The Freedom Leadership Conference is a private monthly conference for Members only.  Provisional (or temporary, candidate) members may attend one meeting.  To apply for Provisional Membership go HERE (you may instead become a Subscriber to the Freedom Digest Email Newsletter advising you of updates to this website, links to keynote speaker videos and remarks & more).  There are no fees, dues or required donation for membership.

The full Conference Rules and Statement of Purpose (below) should be reviewed by those who wish to apply for Provisional (temporary) Membership to attend a monthly meeting, or to sponsor the conference.

To attend the monthly Freedom Leadership Conference, and receive future meeting notices, your application to be a Provisional Member must be reviewed and approved by the Conference and your RSVP to confirm your attendance must be received at, using the website response form provided via email or via regular mail at the address provided in the invitation.  Regular membership is automatic after attending one meeting unless either the Provisional member withdraws or is not approved as a regular member upon objection of any member of the Conference Board (which decision may be overruled by the full Board).

Conference Brochure with Statement of Purpose, Provisional Member Application (suitable for printing, 2 sides of an 8 ½ by 11 sheet):

Important.  Provisional Application Membership may be submitted HERE or via email, using the brochure Application above as a guideline or by using the link on the top page of this website (upper right hand corner), which is also HERE.

Conference Rules  (Provisional members must agree in advance to abide by these rules)

Questions, Application for Conference Provisional Membership, RSVP to attend monthly conference (for already approved Provisional and regular members only) and to attend the Leadership Council monthly dinner with the keynote speaker (for regular members only):

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