Follow link to reserve your free conference ticket or join Admiral Lyons (USN, Ret.) & other speakers for dinner.
Conference Focus is the new movie 13 HOURS: the Secret Soldiers of Benghazi
Private Dinner with Admiral Lyons and Speakers before Conference, Co-Sponsored by Uniformed Services League and GrasstopsUSA
Former Pacific Fleet Commander Admiral James Lyons will be the keynote speaker at the Freedom Leadership Conference on Wednesday, January 27 from 7 to 9 PM at the Marriott Residence Inn, Fair Lakes in Fairfax County, Virginia, to focus on the theme of the newly released movie 13 HOURS: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi.

Freedom Leadership Conference Speakers (L to R) Admiral James Lyons, Michael Pregent, Christopher Carmouche to speak about movie 13 HOURS: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi (photo right).
The Conference is free (suggested donation of $5 at the door for room rental). The expiration of the early bird discount on dinner tickets has been postponed until Tuesday nite 11 PM – only $30 for dinner (save $10 off the door price) or $55 for a couple (save 25 off the door price). The private dinner with Admiral Lyons and the other conference speakers and leaders begins 5:30 PM (doors open 5 PM) and requires an advance RSVP click HERE for the conference or for the dinner and HERE for the Conference Flyer to help us share the news with others about the movie and the conference.
A nationally known critic of President Barack Obama and especially outspoken on the topic of what really happened at Benghazi, Admiral Lyons has been a frequent guest on Fox TV and other TV shows, and told us he has written over 300 op ed articles for a variety of sources. In retirement it is clear that Admiral Lyons has continued a very rigorous and active schedule. He is also the President/CEO of LION Associates LLC, a premier global, consulting firm providing counsel and advice on foreign policy and security affairs, and a regular op-ed columnist.
The impact of the movie is already raising serious questions about the effect the truth will have on the Presidential campaign of Hillary Clinton, already being investigated for other wrongdoing by the FBI and already having a majority of the American people who consider her to be a liar and dishonest.

GrasstopsUSA President Christopher Carmouche, one of the featured speakers for the 1/27 conference, shown here as the keynote speaker at the Feb. 13, 2013 Conference sponsored by his organization.
Other speakers at the Conference include Christopher Carmouche, the President of GrassTopsUSA, which is a conference sponsor for a second time and also a long time critic of the Obama Administration on the Benghazi subject.
The second conference co-sponsor is Uniformed Services League, which is also a repeat conference sponsor for the third time now, and which is hosting Admiral Lyons and also Michael Pregent, former intelligence advisor to Gen Petraeus, and Director of Veterans Against the Iran Deal. Pregent has made frequent appearances on Fox TV and other media outlets as a critic of President Obama’s policies.

In addition to Admiral James Lyons, Uniformed Services League also presents Michael Pregent, a regular commentator on Fox TV (shown here on two different such appearances), to speak at the 1/27 Conference.
The major media – except for Fox TV – continue to try to gloss over the facts and details about how Americans serving under our flag and for our country were abandoned in Benghazi under direct orders of their superiors. For the first time the human dimension of this story is being told in this new movie directed by Michael Bey and as more and more Americans learn it the outrage is bound to explode.
The families of the dead and the surviving “contract workers” – the Secret Soldiers of Benghazi who rejected three direct orders from their government bureaucrat station chief boss in Benghazi, to ride to the sound of the guns and for two of the six, to their deaths, are delighted that their story is finally being told to the public, both in the book and now the movie 13 Hours: the Secret Soldiers of Benghazi. Three of the four surviving heroes have appeared on TV to say that the story told in the book and the movie is the truth, not just a fictional account to get people to watch the movie.
The families of the dead who have spoken out, and the heroes who are now speaking out, have been called liars by Hillary Clinton and her allies, reports Meghan Kelly on Fox TV yesterday in a one hour special focused on the truth being told in this movie and which included interviews with the three surviving heroes.
Admiral Lyons has been speaking out on this disaster in which Americans – including the U.S. Ambassador – were abandoned as they were under attack by anti-America terrorists. Why were the heroes – who were at another U.S. controlled building one mile from the building under attack – ordered to “stand down’ three times, and where was Secretary of State Hillary Clinton while this was going on?
Why did the U.S. aircraft carrier that had jets within strike range, and the Sigonella airbase in nearby Italy, also receive orders to “stand down” and not send jets, airborne commandoe or helicopters to the rescue of the embattled defenders at the U.S. Benghazi compound during the 13 critical hours – but instead just watched the attack from an airial drone flying over the bloody attack which killed four Americans including the Ambassador and two of those who were trying to rescue him?
Most important, why have the investigators trying to learn the truth been stymied and stonewalled by the Administration of President Barack Obama and by his then Secretary of State, neither of whom has ever told the truth but instead put out lies about what happened. Where is the accountability?
Why is no one speaking about the “Commanders in Exremis” force of super-trained Green Beret, who report directly to the theater Commander in Chief for Africa and are ready on a moment’s notice to drop into “hot zones” with little or no warning, preparation or even information. Many of these CIF Commandoes are already stationed throughout Africa at any given time, just as they do in every part of the world, reporting past the normal chain of command directly to the Commander in Chief of that theater. CIF Green Beret would of course not speak out which would violate their code as secret commandos but, the military is controlled by civilians – and even the top military leaders must report to the Secretary of Defense – in this case it was Leon Panetta – and to President Barack Obama, both of whom also worked closely with Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
There will be additional speakers to be announced for the January 27 conference but all three of our announced speakers will be joining us for the private dinner and if you are interested in meeting them in this more intimate setting (most likely less than 20 people total) you should reserve your ticket immediately to attend the dinner as well as the free conference (which requests $5 donation at the door to help pay for the room rental and conference promotion).
After the early-bird discount price for dinner expires on Tuesday night there will still be the opportunity to save money on dinner tickets by purchasing and paying for your dinner in advance via the conference Eventbrite page HERE.
13 HOURS the movie started 1/15.
Don’t miss 13 HOURS the Conference, on 1/27. Learn more. Take a Stand. Attend the Conference. 7 to 9 PM conference (doors open 6:30 PM), come early for dinner at 5:30 PM (doors open 5 PM).
You are invited to dinner and a movie with the Freedom Leadership Confernce the night before the Conference on Tuesday, 1/26 in Merrifield, VA. Movie is 7:30 PM. Dinner is nearby at a restaurant to be selected. Those who are willing, are invited to join us after the movie to hand out conference flyers to those who attended the movie. We urge readers who wish to help us – print the flyer (PDF) for this conference and hand out to movie goers ANYTIME and EVERY time that you can – the movie has been showing since 1/15 and some of the conference leaders have already seen it and look forward to watching it again with you on Tuesday, 1/26. Stay tuned here or watch your email for the e-newsletter or watch on our Facebook page for dinner location at 5:30 PM. You can also help us with this cause by sending the URL of this website out over your Facebook page and/or via email to friends.