Global Islamic Movement Takes Aim at America from Within

John Guandolo Names Enemies at Freedom Leadership Conference

Freedom Leadership Conference keynote speaker John Guandolo named individuals and organizations which operate within the borders of the United States to make war on America and its traditions at the June 12, 2013 Freedom Leadership Conference before an audience of members of the private conference which meets monthly in Northern Virginia.Guandolo’s remarks, which are available on the Conference website (HERE) and were videotaped (see photo above or click HERE for video of the main part of his speech,  and HERE for the video of the introductory part of his speech), revealed details about the war against America being waged by individuals and organizations who are helping spearhead what he calls the “Global Islamic Movement” attack on the United States from within our borders at the Fairfax, Virginia Conference.

The June 12 Freedom Leadership Conference was co-sponsored by Guandolo’s “” and by United States Intelligence Council.  Guandolo was presented the “Freedom Leadership Award” and a Conference Honorary Membership after his conference remarks, joining a list of monthly conference speakers since the event changed to a monthly function in late 2012.

The monthly conference for leading conservative activists and donors is now in its 14th year with nearly 60 past conservative cause sponsors, having begun on the West Coast as an annual, three days conference before switching to the private, monthly format which meets on a weeknight once a month under the sponsorship of one or two organizations.

Guandolo’s remarks shocked many in the audience, who like most Americans, were not aware that “In the United States, all of the senior Islamic advisors in all branches of our government are, in fact, members of the U.S. Muslim Brotherhood,” which spearheads the Global Islamic Movement at war with the United States.

As promised in advance, John Guandolo was very specific, naming Abdurahman Alamoudi as “a financier for Al Qaeda and the Islamic advisor to President Clinton…a Good Will Ambassador for the State Department, and the founder of the Department of Defense’s Muslim Chaplain Program.  He now sits in federal prison.”

The Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), the largest Muslim Brotherhood organization in North America, and an unindicted co-conspirator in the largest Hamas trial in U.S. history, a source of funding for the Hamas terrorist organization, was identified by John Guandolo as the certifying agency in America for the Department of Defense and the Bureau of Prisons Muslim Chaplain Program.

It is difficult to imagine if all Catholic or Presbyterian Priests given access to the American military throughout the world, and to all U.S. prisoners, were associated with a government identified terrorist organization, as the Obama Administration has done with ISNA.

Again and again during his presentation, John Guandolo named the names of those who are part of the Global Islamic Movement’s penetration of American security and who threaten our freedom from within our own borders.

“Saudi Prince Alwaleed bin Talal, one of the richest men in the world and a financier for the global jihad, sits on the board of Time/Warner/AOL and Newscorp, and ensures the truth about the Brotherhood’s activities and Sharia’s obligatory command for Jihad by Muslims against infidels is never spoken on media outlets controlled by these two media giants covering both sides of the political landscape – CNN and Fox News.”

Hamas, the Council on American Islamic Relations and the Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), says Guandolo, have had major success in shutting down training and information sharing by law enforcement, military and intelligence professionals about the Muslim extremist threat to America, replacing them instead with “sensitivity and Islamic cultural training” which are only allowed to be operated by those with their approval.

That explains, said Guandolo, why the recent shooting at the University of Santa Clara by John Zawahiri (who shares the same last name as an Al Qaeda leader) are “puzzling” t the FBI and law enforcement.

This also explains why there was a demand by government leaders that we not “rush to judgement” about Muslim extremists in the United States “when the Tsamaev brothers bombed the Boston Marathan, Major Nidal Hasan killed 13 soldiers at Ft. Hood, Faisal Shazhad nearly succeeded in bombing Times Square, or Abdulhakim Mohammed killed Private Andy Long at the recruiting depot in Little Rock, Arkansas.”

John Guandolo’s conclusion about this consistent denial of a Muslim extremist threat to America operating within our borders: “All of this can only be defined as a psychotic disconnect from reality – this is not sane behavior.”

Guandolo also reminded his audience of what the self-described enemy of America calls their work here:

“The Islamic Movement in the United States calls its mission here a “Civilization Jihad” to destroy America from within.”

John concluded his remarks with a call to arms to his audience and to those his words will reach later via the internet, warning “we must be prepared for a long and difficult battle.”  But he reminds, “the vast majority of people have lived under tyranny and oppressive regimes over the course of history, America was formed as a beacon of liberty” and we must all do our best to defend our founding principles from this new threat.

One excellent way to do this is to visit the website of John Guandolo’s “Understanding the Threat,” which together with U.S. Intelligence Council, co-sponsored John’s excellent presentation.

Another excellent way to help stay informed and to help influence public policy is to subscribe to the new Freedom Digest email newsletter to stay up to date on the activities of the Freedom Leadership Conference.

The Conference started 14 years ago and has had nearly 60 sponsor organizations, changing from a public, annual “Western Conservative Conference” in southern California to a private, members only monthly conference in Northern Virginia in late 2012.

If you wish to subscribe click HERE for the free email newsletter.  If you wish to attend future conferences you may make application to be a Conference Provisional (temporary) Member HERE (which includes the free newsletter).  Those who attend one meeting and with to continue as a regular member are then kept informed of the location of the private, monthly conference, which they may attend with an RSVP via the link provided or via email to

The next Freedom Leadership Conference will headline the question “Legalize Illegals?” with keynote remarks by attorney Jon Moseley, Executive Director of American Border Control (ABC), who will explain “Why conservatives still say no to amnesty.”   Moseley is also a radio talk show host on “the Conservative Commandos” show out of Philadelphia, PA.

The U.S. Senate is expected to pass the amnesty proposal of the “Gang of 8” Senators before this July 17 conference but the House of Representatives should be right in the middle of their debate on this “Legalize Illegals” legislation.

There will also be a panel of “New Americans by Choice” on “Why we Chose America” at the July 17 Conference, and the announcement of the blast off of a new conservative initiative called “Americans Against the Obama Agenda.”

Nominations are still being accepted for the monthly “Saul Alinsky Smear Conservatives” award for the most hateful example of a leftist smear of conservatives, with confirmation by our resident Alinsky-tactics expert, David Denholm, President of Public Service Research Foundation, who has spoken on this topic at nearly every one of the conferences since it went monthly in late 2012.   To suggestion a leftist for this month’s award write

The monthly conference begins at 7 PM with a coffee and dessert social that runs for a half hour.

The July 17 Conference will be held at a private residence of one of the conference leaders, located about 5 miles south of the Springfield interchange of I-95 and I-495 off I-95.  The conference is for members and provisional members only, who must advance RSVP to attend.

A “Leadership Council” dinner is held with the keynote speaker at 5 PM each month.  The July 17 function will be a special “Summer  Barbecue” at the private residence hosted by the owner and will start a half hour earlier at 4:30 PM.  Attendance at the monthly dinner at the “Leadership Council” is only open to those who are conference members.

To subscribe to the complementary FREEDOM DIGEST email alerts, or to send your Provisional Membership Application to the Freedom Leadership Council so that you can attend this and future functions click HERE (also see upper right hand corner of website).  To “like” our new Facebook page, click HERE:

Video of John Guandolo’s Remarks at 6/12 Conference:

Part 1 (Introductory)

Part 2 (Main part of remarks)

An 8 ½ by 11 inch flyer (PDF) can be viewed (or downloaded and/or printed out) HERE.

To make a reservation for the Conference once you are approved as a Conference Provisional (temporary) member, or for the dinner once you are a member who has attended at least one past conference, click HERE.

The Freedom Leadership Conference will shortly announce sponsors and the agenda for the August function, tentatively either the Virginia Black Robe Regiment or Virginia Patriot Voices, or, or both as co-sponsors.


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