Agenda is full, no more sponsors can be accepted for 12 noon to 5 PM conference this Saturday
The Freedom Leadership Conference announced additional co-sponsors for its Trump Victory and Unity conference tomorrow, Saturday, November 12 featuring Gov. James Gilmore as keynote speaker, to bring the total to 12 and a full agenda. Each sponsor provides or sponsors a speaker for the conference on the theme “What Conservatives Want Next” after the Donald Trump victory this past summer.
No additional sponsors can be accepted although we still have seating available for either the 12 noon lunch featuring former Governor Gilmore or the conference which begins at 1 PM (only $5) and at which Governor Gilmore will deliver remarks as the keynote speaker REGISTER HERE (no admission without an advance reservation, $17 for lunch, $5 for conference with lunch attendees being admitted free).
The complete list of SPONSORS and co-sponsors are:
Secure America Alliance
U.S. Intelligence Council
Gun Owners of America
Take Back Our Republic
Conservative Christian Center
Virginia Voters Alliance
Economic Organization of the African Diaspora
Ronald Reagan Lecture Series
Uniformed Services League
Capital Research Center
American Border Control
God and Country Foundation
You can scroll down on this website for additional information about this Conference, and the conference flyer is HERE.
This is the final call for registration for those who want to join in this combined Donald Trump victory party and unity conference and at which conservatives will begin to outline for the first 100 Days of a Trump White House and the new 115th session of Congress, “What Conservatives Want Now.” Register Here.