Conference theme for 6/15/16
Freedom Leadership Conference to be Co-Sponsored by Fairfax County Taxpayers Alliance and American Grassroots Council at Fair Lakes Marriott Residence Inn
Dr. Sebastian Gorka to speak on his new book Defeating Jihad
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors is poised this morning to approve a $151 million meals tax proposed by County Executive Edward L. Long, Jr. and endorsed by the Board’s Budget Committee in May. The Freedom Leadership Conference has been quietly working to prepare for this vote, which sends the Meals Tax proposal to the voters of Fairfax County to approve or reject in November. The June 14 Conference will be Co-Sponsored by Fairfax County Taxpayer Alliance (FCTA) and American Grassroots Council (AGC) at the Fair Lakes Marriott Residence Inn, with doors open for dinner at 5 PM (service begins 5:30 promptly), and doors open for the free conference at 6:30 PM (begins at 7 PM promptly, adjourns at 9 PM).
The main speakers to attack the economy-busting, taxpayer assaulting Meals Tax are Fairfax County Board of Supervisors member Pat Herrity (tentatively confirmed), former GOP nominee for that Board, John Guevara. Introductions of both speakers and remarks in behalf of the co-sponsor organizations dedicated to fighting the meals tax are Arthur Purves, President of the Fairfax County Taxpayer Alliance and Ronald Wilcox, President of American Grassroots Council
The Freedom Leadership Conference next Wed. June 14 will also hear from Dr. Sebastian Gorka, a frequent guest on Fox TV and the author of the new book, Defeating Jihad, The Winnable War. Dr. Gorka will be presented by the conference co-sponsors for September, Secure America Alliance and U.S. Intelligence Council. Dr. Gorka will only speak briefly at this conference with his major keynote remarks scheduled for September.
But Richard Buck, who doubles as the USIC Project Director as well as the Freedom Leadership Conference Event Coordinator, announced that we are privileged to have Dr. Gorka join us for the pre-conference dinner where he will make more extended but informal remarks about his book and the Jihad war against America. A limited number of copies of the new book will be available for autographing at both the dinner (whose guests have first priority), before the conference begins at 7 PM and after adjournment at 9 PM. The price of the book will be discounted from bookstore and Amazon price.
The Fairfax County Taxpayer Alliance sponsored the March 27, 2013 Freedom Leadership Conference with its President, Arthur Purves, as its designated keynote speaker. Purves was also the GOP nominee for a Board of Supervisors seat in last year’s election.
American Grassroots Council is a first time conference co-sponsor, although their President, Ronald Wilcox, is a member of the Conference Leadership Committee who has helped organize all of the conferences since it moved to the east coast from southern California in November, 1999.
Freedom Leadership Conference’s two June 15 co-sponsors enable attendees to attend free (with a suggested $5 donation at the door) while those who donate to attend the pre-conference dinner and to be dinner-hosts ($100 donation) help fund the advertising for the conference which includes the newly designed STOP the Meals Tax graphic shown with this article.
There will be a very short EARLY BIRD dinner discount for those who wish to be join for dinner with the conference leadership, co-sponsors, and conference speakers, HERE.
All attendees are required to RSVP and only those who have done so are admitted, go HERE.
The Freedom Leadership Conference has been sponsored by over 60 of the leading conservative cause, patriotic, anti-tax and national defense organizations in America for nearly 20 years. It changed from an annual conference to a several times a year conference in Northern Virginia starting three years ago. Each conference is sponsored ($500) or co-sponsored ($250) by an organization which provides the main speakers.