“Free China: the Courage to Believe” movie to be featured at the Freedom Leadership Conference of 9/11/13. Doors open this time to non-members to watch the movie.
Freedom Leadership Conference to be sponsored by GrasstopsUSA & US Intelligence Council with private screening of new movie
The movie, Free China: The Courage to Believe, will be featured at the Freedom Leadership Conference of September 11, 2013. It will be the first conference function with no admission charge and no membership requirement – anyone who wishes to attend may view this movie with doors open and limited attendance at 8:15 PM at West Springfield Government Center Community Room, 6140 Rolling Road, Springfield, VA 22152
Because of limited seating it is required for you to register to attend the movie HERE. The first 60 people who register may attend (you may bring one or more guests if you wish). No one will be admitted who has not advance registered (which is complimentary) and been approved. Seating is strictly limited to the first 60 who register.
This month’s Freedom Leadership Conference is co-sponsored by GrasstopsUSA and by U.S. Intelligence Council, which have opted to change the ordinary monthly format to allow for free attendance by non-members to watch this movie at 8:15 to 10 PM. The usual conference program begins earlier at 7 PM and is reserved for new Provisional and Regular members. The actual conference will adjourn by 8 PM to allow conference participants to watch the movie at a venue a few minutes away from the restaurant.
Christopher Carmouche, President of GrasstopsUSA will address the movie audience, as will Dr. Roger Canfield, Vice President of U.S. Intelligence Council, via a live video link from California, as part of the free movie program.
Canfield is the author of several books. Two of them were published in the past during his tenure as USIC Executive Director: Stealth Invasion: Red Chinese Operations in North America, and China Doll: Clinton-Gore and the Selling of the Presidency (1 million copies published & distributed by USIC). More recently he is the author of Comrades in Arms: How the Ameri-cong won the Vietnam War against the Common Enemy – America.
Both organizations are past sponsors of the Freedom Leadership Conference, with USIC being an original, founding sponsor of the conference when it started on the west coast 14 years ago. Both Carmouche and Canfield have delivered remarks at past conferences – Carmouche earlier this year, and Canfield as long ago as 2001 when he helped organize it.
Those who wish to participate in the monthly Freedom Leadership Conference need to first register as a Provisional Member HERE and upon approval are eligible to attend the Conference at 7 PM at Milano Family Restaurant, 6230-G Rolling Rd., Springfield, VA 22152, which includes coffee and tea service and this month, a shortened program to allow for early adjournment to watch the movie very close to the restaurant (adjourn at 8 PM to make it to the 8:15 movie doors open).
For those who are already Conference members there is a dinner at 5 PM at Milano’s, register HERE.
The movie, Free China, The Courage to Believe, has been produced by New Tang Dynasty Television.
Dr. Canfield said of the movie coming to Northern Virginia on 9/11:
“Chinese Communism is the very antithesis of the virtues shared by Falun Gong of the East and Christians of the West, shown clearly in the outstanding movie, Free China: The Courage to Believe. Highly recommended, don’t miss it.”
Dr. Canfield has written a “guest blog” article which will be posted at this website within the next few days about this movie, which he has already viewed at a private screening in California, and which he recommended to us at Freedom Leadership Conference. There is a strict seating limit of 60 people to watch the 9/11 movie. We strongly advise you to reserve your tickets immediately, HERE.
The movie trailer can be viewed, HERE.