Dr. Steven Allen for Capital Research Center, Richard Buck for U.S. Intelligence Council, Attorney Jon Moseley for Americans for the Trump Agenda to speak
Thurs. 3/16 Freedom Leadership Conference to go back to 2000 Clinton-Gore campaign, to the millions of dollars from foreign countries to the Hillary and Bill private foundation, to the source of funding for radical left “resist” movement today.
Dr. Steven Allen for Capital Research Center, Richard Buck for U.S. Intelligence Council, Attorney Jon Moseley for Americans for the Trump Agenda to speak for three conference co-sponsors

The button handed out free to dinner attendees by Americans for the Trump Agenda at the Freedom Leadership Conference on Feb. 16, was sported by both candidates for Governor who spoke to the conservatives, Denver Riggleman and Corey Stewart. Will be available at 3/16 Conference.
(Glenn Right Dispatch) If you are sick and tired of hearing about the demands of liberal-left Democrats for an investigation of President Trump’s 2016 election victory, let me give you a “sneak peak” at tomorrow night’s Freedom Leadership Conference we are calling “follow the money.” (conference advance registration required, $5 at the door, HERE).
Thurs. March 16, 2017, 7 to 9 PM
Freedom Leadership Conference
at Wingate by Wyndham Hotel off Rt. 50 near Rt. 28, Chantilly VA
co-Sponsored by Capital Research Center
Americans for the Trump Agenda
U.S. Intelligence Council|
advance registration ($5 at the door) required HERE
You may recall this made-for-the-movies quote from the Watergate break-in attributed to the secret source of Washington Post reporters Woodward and Bernstein. The quote appears in NO Washington Post stories or editorials nor in the later book by the two reporters. The quote “follow the money” made its first appearance in the movie long after the resignation by President Richard Nixon.
And yet this made up, made-for-the-movies “follow the money” is the most famous quote of the Watergate era and is thought by many people to be the reason that Richard Nixon had to resign as President. All untrue (he resigned because a tape recording proved he knew about the break-in and lied to cover it up) but, here is what IS true:
If you follow the money sources of the radical leftwing agitators of today and those who have been their leaders in the last two decades, then you WILL understand what they are up to.
And if you follow what we will document tomorrow night then you will understand, if more Americans realized that what liberals are accusing President Trump of – accepting help from a foreign country hostile to the interests of the United States – then they will be outraged and join us in demanding a REAL investigation.
Isn’t it about time we REALLY investigate how money from Russia, other countries and especially Communist China, has been going into the campaign coffers and the pockets of liberal-left politicians and the radical left for decades?
Isn’t it about time that Americans learned the truth?
Our three speakers tomorrow night will in fact, “follow the money” to show you the funding sources of the left.
While the story doesn’t start with the reelection campaign of President Bill Clinton, tomorrow night Richard Buck will speak in behalf of conference co-sponsor U.S. Intelligence Council to show you how that President’s Democratic Party machine received direct cash assistance from sources which lead directly to the People’s Republic of China – Red China.
The first USIC book followed the earlier publication in 1999 of “What Red China Got for Its Money.” The earlier monograph by Dr. Roger Canfield, later expanded with him as co-author of China Doll: Clinton-Gore and the Selling of the Presidency, contains documentation and sources to show exactly how Communist China intervened in the American public policy process and the 2000 election. The book reached 600,000 Americans – far beyond normal bestseller status for a self-published book which never appeared on American bookstore shelves.
More recently, Dr. Roger Canfield wrote Ameircong: How the Ameri-Cong Won the Vietnam War Against the Common Enemy – America ($19.95, order HERE).
Speaker number one tomorrow night, USIC Project Director Richard Buck, will show you nearly two decades before the feigned outrage that another country would try to influence an American election, the Communist Chinese were helping the very liberal Democrats who are today howling about President Donald Trump.
Speaker number two is attorney Jon Moseley, representing Americans for the Trump Agenda, who will “fast forward” from the previous speaker to last year and show documentation of how a variety of foreign sources, including Russia, have put millions of dollars into the hands of Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton’s “foundation” during the period Hillary was the U.S. Secretary of State.
Moseley, formerly Executive Director of Americans Against the Obama Agenda, will use as one basis of his remarks the work of Peter Schweizer, whose bestselling Clinton Cash followed the same formula as the two decades earlier China Doll book published by U.S. Intelligence Council.
Jon Moseley, Esq., an attorney in private practice in northern Virginia for 19 years, works frequently for Freedom Watch with Larry Klayman on government reform and transparency litigation, has been a conservative radio talk show host, Executive Director of Americans Against the Obama Agenda and American Border Control. He has been a speaker each year for the past 6 years at Freedom Leadership Conference.
Those who demand that we have an investigation of Russian interference in American public policy and elections of course, don’t want to investigate what Jon Moseley will focus on tomorrow night. But his remarks at this Freedom Leadership Conference are a strong warning to Democratic Senators and Congressmen: we very much agree that an investigation is warranted, and it starts with Richard Buck’s remarks about China and then Jon Moseley’s remarks about Russia, China and other countries putting cash into the hands of top Democrat leaders in more recent years.
Our final speaker in this lineup tomorrow night will “fast forward” yet again from Richard Buck and Jon Moseley and bring you to the current time period of street demonstrations, riots, violence and other illegal activities condoned by and even supported by liberal-left Democratic Senators and Congressmen.
Dr. Steven Allen, representing the third conference co-sponsor tomorrow night, Capital Research Center, is making his second appearance at a Freedom Leadership Conference.
Dr. Allen will focus on the political groups behind the protests and attacks on President Donald Trump and the core beliefs of conservatives who elected him and will “follow the money” to show their funding sources and goals. Dr. Allen will cite some of the sources and information used in the new documentary movie by Capital Research Center, “America Under Siege: Civil War 2017.” Dr. Allen makes an appearance in the documentary movie.
Three speakers for three conference co-sponsors. Don’t miss it. Because of the snowstorm and some people’s fear of snow (even after it is mostly melted) we actually still have seats available at this nearly-free conference. The $5 at the door admission covers a small part of the conference cost. We hope to see you tomorrow night.
Thurs. March 16, 2017, 7 to 9 PM
Freedom Leadership Conference
Co-Sponsored by Capital Research Center
Americans for the Trump Agenda
U.S. Intelligence Council|
advance registration ($5 at the door) required HERE