Movie Flyer/Poster (8 1/2 by 11 PDF) for Free China: The Courage to Believe, showing on 9/11/13 under the auspices of Freedom Leadership Conference.
How about a free movie next Wednesday? We are coming down to our final deadline and only require your free registration to secure a seat – and you may bring guests – for the movie Free China: The Courage to Believe. What better way to register your stand against the forces of darkness in this world on 9/11? RSVP Required. Limited seating. Reserve HERE.
There are of course, forces of darkness in this world who despise America and our freedom which they think of as a weakness and vulnerability. One such group we heard from on 9/11/01, and again last year on the same date in Benghazi. Another of those forces of darkness are the Communists who persecute the Falun Gong in China, a peaceful group of practitioners of Chinese Confucian philosophy and meditation techniques.
These are fellow people of faith who are being persecuted, even if they are not of our faith. Those who inflict brutal torture, concentration camp imprisonment and even organ harvesting on these people are just as much representative of the darkness in the world as the terrorists of 9/11.
While President Obama contemplates how to sell Congress on supporting his armed assault on Syria for killing hundreds of their own children, consider how many MILLIONS of their own citizens Communist China has killed.
As President Obama and his men work feverishly to sell us the moral imperative of our taking action and committing our weapons, our money and our moral outrage against Syria, consider what is happening to people of faith in China, and that all we ask is that you join us in expressing your concern by attending this movie night next Wednesday to commemorate 9/11.
The movie is so very appropriately named, Free China: the Courage to Believe.”
As we express our outrage in America for how Tea Party, conservative and pro-freedom organizations have been targeted by the Obama-IRS, consider what happens to you in Communist China if you simply “google” the word “freedom” … a knock on the door a few hours later and then many years of your life in a concentration camp as forced labor making cheap products that can be sold in the United States… brutal torture… or worse, your body used for organ harvesting to benefit Communist Party members and family.
In addition to the movie program we will also have two distinguished speakers from Falun Gong of China to tell us what is happening to these people of faith who only desire to have the same freedom we very much take for granted in America. One of them is an expert on Chinese cyberwar and surveillance techniques which are being practiced on their own citizens but which are also a clear threat to America.
Please join us next Wednesday night in Springfield, Virginia from 8:15 to 10 PM to watch this movie and listen to several speakers on this topic and to commemorate 9/11.
Further details of the conference can be found in the earlier article HERE or you may read the last few articles at https://freedomleadershipconference.org.
Commemorate 9/11 with courage, for freedom
a private moving screening of
Free China: The Courage to Believe
Complimentary Movie Night (no admission charge)
Wednesday, September 11, 2013
8:15 PM doors open. Program begins 8:30 PM, ends 10 PM
West Springfield Government Center Community Room
6140 Rolling Road, Springfield, VA 22152
RSVP Required (only 60 seats available first come first served) HERE.
Dinner & Conference Location:
Milano Family Restaurant, 6230-G Rolling Rd., Springfield, VA 22152
Freedom Leadership Conference from 7 to 8 PM, register HERE
(members only; apply for free Provisional Membership HERE)
Leadership Council Dinner (Members only) 5 PM, HERE.
Movie Night 8 ½ x 11 Flyer/poster: HERE
We hope to see you next Wednesday – and especially encourage you to bring guests/friends to watch this important movie.